Economic data
Bavaria’s gross domestic product of EUR 522 billion puts it ahead of 21 of the 28 EU member states. The economic output per resident is also far above the German and European average (2013), at EUR 38,429.
As a globally active market, Bavaria is home not only to global players such as Adidas, Allianz, Audi, BMW, MTU Aero Engines, MAN and Siemens, but also to a strong basis of small and medium-sized businesses in industry, trades and the service sector. Investors thus encounter a broad spectrum of competitive suppliers, potential customers and cooperation partners.
Bavaria enjoys an outstanding position in many fields:
- The Free State is the number one location in Germany for insurance and number two for banking
- Bavaria is number one in Germany for tourism
- The two trade show centers in Munich and Nuremberg are of great international significance
- Bavaria offers optimum provision in the fields of transportation, telecommunications and energy
- High-level apprenticeships and further training and intensive promotion of research and technology have contributed to Bavaria achieving top values in international comparison, spending three per cent of the gross domestic product on research and development.
Bavaria's economy at a glance
Number one in Germany
You can find more details on the economic data for Bavaria in the Bavaria’s Economy in Numbers flyer, which is updated annually by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and is available to download.
Cities & Regions
Bavaria is the largest state in the Federal Republic of Germany. Over twelve million people live and work in its over 70,000 square kilometres, divided into seven administrative districts.
As well as the eight cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, including the two largest, Munich and Nuremberg, the rural areas are also very significant for Bavaria. They make up around 85 per cent of the state’s area and just under eight million people, or almost 60 per cent of the Bavarian population, live, work and do business there.
More information
You can find statistical data on a range of economic sectors from the Bavarian State Office of Statistics.
Commissioned by the Association of the Bavarian Economy (vbw), the study Quality of the industrial location Bavaria compared internationally shows that Bavaria is an industrial premium location.
Bavaria ranks number one in a comparison of all 16 federal states in the Federal state ranking 2012 by the Initiative New Social Market Economy (INSM) and WirtschaftsWoche magazine.